
Showing posts with the label Visual Studio 2012

Blank/White Home Page in BlogEngine.NET

I download latest BlogEngine.NET source code and opened it in Visual Studio built it successfully and then it was running as expected.

Open .NET Discussion in Jubli Park Jamshedpur on 05/04/2015 Executed

So this was another good time discussing about .NET with developers down the tree in Jubli Park, Jamshedpur.

Publish in Visual Studio 2013 or 2015 Crashes IDE

Recently I faced this issue when I was trying to publish my website on Azure Websites. Here is the screenshot. I noticed this bug in Visual Studio 2013 as well as Visual Studio 2015 (December 27 2015).

Do you want to restart the application with elevated permissions - when open TFS Project in Microsoft Visual Studio 2013

First of all, look at the dialog screenshot given below:

What is LESS (style-sheet language)? Exploring LESS coding features inside Visual Studio - Web Essential?

In this post we are going to talk about LESS and its introduction, coding, compilation and features available in Visual Studio Editor with Web Essential extension. Before talking about anything let’s understand what is LESS and how it can help developers.

Creating Image Sprite in Visual Studio - Web Essential

In this article you will learn how to create image sprite using Visual Studio Web Essential Extension. Suppose you have a website that uses lots of images and each image loads individually which increases number of requests and makes website slow. We need quick website optimization to fix it.

Paste Image from clipboard onto Visual Studio Editor : Video - Web Essential

In this article you will learn how to paste clipboard image onto Visual Studio Editor. Like we can paste clipboard image in MS-Word, it is possible to paste in Visual Studio Editor with the help of Web Essential Visual Studio Extension.

Image Optimization in Website - Web Essential

In this article you will learn about Image Optimization using Web Essential Visual Studio extension. You will learn how we can optimize individual image by right clicking on image file, how to optimize group of images in the folder, how to optimize image in CSS file and how to optimize Base64 Encode Image (dataUri) in CSS file.

Base64 Encode Image in Website - Web Essential

In this article you will learn about Base64 Encode Image, why we encode image and how it can improve website performance. We are going to make use of Web Essential which is a must have Visual Studio extension.

Single File Upload to Multiple File Upload ASP.NET Web Forms

With ASP.NET File upload control we can only upload one file at a time while HTML5 has a good notion to upload multiple files at a time. Look at the animated image given below, which was the actual framework before HTML5 equivalent updates with ASP.NET 4.5 Framework.

I Am Now The Published Author of Instant Razor View Engine How-To

I am happy to announce the release of my book ‘ Instant Razor View Engine How-To ’, published by PACKT; and now available at Amazon for purchase. Click on the image to enlarge. Amazon: Packt Publication: Like us on Facebook here:

Quick Search, Replace and Navigate in Visual Studio IDE (A Must Read Post)

I would call this post as Tips/Tricks post because this post contains information about Visual Studio IDE features. I can see large number of developers are not familiar with these features. So, I thought writing a blog post collecting searching, replacing and navigating tips which is vital to happy and productive.

Adding Email, Details field in UserProfile DB Table in MVC

In this post you will learn how to add Email and Details columns to an existing database. We get this database when running an application trying to create a new user account. As you know, we don’t see an email field in a user registration form as well as in the membership database. But we can enable this using some quick changes in the application. Read on.

JQuery UI Datepicker in MVC 4

Today, I spent couple of hours in finding solution to enable the use of Datepicker in MVC 4 Application.

Filter Records in MVC

In this quick post you will learn various ways to filter records in MVC. Before starting let’s have a quick look at a controller and view page that I will use in this article. I will be using the SQL Server Northwind sample database in this article, you can download it from the Microsoft website and set up the same project to explore it.

Partial View in Razor MVC

Partial View allow us to put HTML and C# code into a file that we can reuse across multiple other views. This is very useful when you work on a large application.

Html Helper for Image (@Html.Image): Developing Extension in MVC

Today I worked on a project where I required to display image on the web page. As you know there is not a Html Helper for Images yet. Look at the screen, we can’t see an image here.

HandleErrorAttribute OR Error Handling in MVC 4

HandleErrorAttribute in MVC is used to display friendly error pages to user when something goes wrong in the application. Let’s create a simple exception in the application to explore HandleErrorAttribute.

Various ways to pass data from Controller to View in MVC

There are various ways to pass data from a Controller to a View. I'm going to discuss how Controllers interact with Views and specifically cover ways you can pass data from a Controller to a View to render a response back to a client. So, let's get started.

What happens when database doesn't match conventions / using OnModelCreating() feature?

This is just basic article and I’m not going to say anything new here but I will say things in my way.  The very well-known question newbies ask about MVC and Entity Framework is, how does a conceptual database model target the names?

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