
Showing posts with the label Other

Happy New Year - 2013

Hello Friends! Happy New Year to all of you, may your new year be blessed with peace, love and joy. I’m sending you my heartfelt wishes with joy that never ends. It’s time to forget all the past and think ahead.

Is it really necessary to remove our original accent (क्या वास्तव में अपने मूल लहजे/स्वर को दूर करने की आवश्यकता है)?

Look, I’m not a speaker and even can’t guide anybody on such questions. Now, I would like to share complete chat with the great people when I asked a question about Bihari Accent on Facebook. I received really great amount of inputs/feedbacks from industry leading IT experts and they all have huge experience in the same. Once again, I would like to thank to all of them for their inputs/feedbacks. Actually, I’m bit shy and lack of self-confidence that causing all that but it will got out with the time, for sure. For example, I am writing this post in English and I learned this with the time. Now, let me share the screenshot of the question I asked and entire valuable replies.

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